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The DUOS kids’ session aim is to involve kids, families, schools, and communities in meaningful creative and artistic experiences. TPAA partners will organize mixed groups of researchers, artists, teachers, students, and volunteers of local associations in order to develop educational activities and artistic workshops for kids and schools.  

We’ll propose an open space of expression where kids can play with their imagination, discover new materials, colors, languages, and learning by doing. 

The cooperative approach will be developed also through an artistic treasure hunt, discovering local context and details. An edutainment experience in which education will be supported by entertainment and will provide an enjoyable time with the way of creating and having an experience together.  


The KIDS SESSION was carried out in Mombasa with the collaboration of SwahiliPot and in Kilifi in partnership with Nyota ya Asubuhi – Koinonia Community. Children and adolescents investigated the theme of Social Ecology through different artistic languages, exploring territories, making small videos, taking photographs, drawing, painting, and experimenting with cooperative and self-organization games.
The activities took place intensively for three weeks, mainly outdoors, within the old city of Mombasa, on the beach of Ngala (Kilifi), in the area of Mtondia (Kilifi), within the partners’ spaces, villages, and urban centers involved and in the open field where the festival was held.
In the different experiences, thanks to the collaboration with the managers and educators of the organizations and the Pwani students, the UNIMC (University of Macerata) team involved more than 100 children who expressed their creativity as active protagonists and part of dynamic communities.
The children experimented with group dynamics, reflecting on the balance between humans and the environment and developing ideas and proposals for a social ecology based on the possibility of getting to know life contexts, discovering themselves as part of the eco-social environment, and being able to self-organize free forms of cooperation.
At the end of the workshops conducted, the KIDS SESSION produced an exhibition at the Alliance Francaise (01.03.2023) and held a one-day workshop at the Water Sports Ground in Kilifi (04.03.2023), involving other children from the local community and participating enthusiastically in the DUOS Festival activities. Workshops with other DUOS artists were also held in Kilifi, including an animation workshop with Izabela Plucinska and a photography and creative installation workshop with Igor Omulecki.

Main coordinator : Rostia Deluigi

Rosita Deluigi

Rosita Deluigi, PhD, is Associate Professor of Education at the University of Macerata, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Sciences, where she teaches General Pedagogy, Community Pedagogy, and Intercultural Pedagogy.

Her research activity focuses on:

  • Dialogues between cultures and generations – educational processes and working practices with foreign minors; development of communicative processes using creative and expressive languages; 
  • Development of inclusive policies at an inter-institutional level (policy, university, services and territory); promotion of the educational community, and alliance between educators, community, and families.
  • Training of professional educators and teamwork – acquisition of soft skills; development of cooperative dynamics and co-planning; experimentation with storytelling in social work.

She is involved in several European projects as a member of the research team or as a local coordinator (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 and H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019) and she is the scientific supervisor for the qualitative evaluation of several national and local projects funded by the Ministry of Education, Labour and Social Solidarity, public institutions, and private foundations.

In all fields of investigation, she uses socio-cultural animation and action-research as backgrounds to promote the creativity and expression of the subjects. Furthermore, she employs interactive methodologies to develop cooperative and participatory project perspectives and to carry out interventions in the field on which the aforementioned lines of research are based.

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