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The project Transcultural Perspectives in Art and Art Education (TPAAE) investigates contemporary art in Europe and East Africa, and forms of art education on both continents in transcultural perspective.

Innovative in our approach is setting up the theoretical and practical dialogue, recognizing mutual artistic and cultural influences between Europe and East Africa since times of Great Avant-garde until contemporary globalization; at the same time valuing cultural heritage and opening it for modern transformations for the sake of community and social development.

The profound research in transcultural perspectives on art and art education started to be realized within the TPAAE project by the Consortium containing academic and non-academic institutions from Poland, Italy, and Kenya. International and intersectoral mobility guarantees high level and effective sharing of knowledge. All the institutions investigate art, culture and cultural heritage and have various complementing each other competences, allowing for research and implementation of its effects into practice.

Transcultural perspective is the response to the three main strategies for the reduction of otherness developed due to globalization: egocentrism, logocentrism, and ethnocentrism, and is essential, today more than ever, to persuade individuals to appreciate cultural diversity and to recognize the importance of defending and promoting tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

The TPAAE project is developing according to three lines, each having its specific goals:

  1. theoretical – researching on relations between East African and European art,
  2. academic – elaborating and implementing the programme in Fine Arts and Design at PUC in dialogue with European institutions,
  3. practical – supporting the development of art scene in the region in Kenya.
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