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Classes by Emilia Lapko

MONOCULTURE/MULTICULTURE is a topic proposed during photography classes that Emilia Lapko, the lecturer at Department of Fashion Design specialized in product photography, Post-production and visual communication in fashion, has conducted with Kenyatta University students in February 2023. Young artists pondered on issues such as:
– cultural diversity
– native traditions
– local rituals
– multiculturalism
– complexity
– multiplicity of discourses
– globalization, mass culture, consumption, postcolonialism, plantationiotropene, anthropocene
– averaging of aesthetics, quality
– simplification of content
– Americanization, McDonaldization, Western culture
– corporate policy vs. local values
– loss of local traditions, rituals,
– image design through clothing.
Students took a series of photos showing the diversity of Kenya: matatu culture, kibandaski and street fashion of the young generation of Kenyans. The effects of the work were shown at the exhibition on February 28, 2022 at the Business Student Service Center, presented under the supervision of lecturer Emilia Łapko.

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