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Artists and Researchers Ready for DUOS in Szczecin

From June 12, 2023, the National Museum in Szczecin will host TPAAE secondments for two representatives of the Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) and seven artists from the Kenyan coast. The third edition of the DUOS Festival, themed Social Ecology, will open on June 29 and highlights their visit.

TUM’s Dr. Wanyenda Leonard Chilimo and Dr. Michael Juma Saulo are leading the delegation. Dr. Chilimo is the head librarian at TUM and is working on a comparative study of the role that museums and libraries play promoting Contemporary Art, both in Kenya and in Poland. Meanwhile, Dr. Saulo is exanmining technology’s role in the promotion by museums and other cultural institutions in promoting Contemporary Art in both countries.

The seven artists will work with their Polish counterparts to prepare for the exhibition, which is being held at the National Museum in Szczecin – Museum of Contemporary Art, and at points and venues around the city. The DUOS festival pairs Kenyan and Polish artists, who collaborate with teams of student interns to creagte works in their chosen media.

Selected by curator Lukas Jastrubczak, the Social Ecology theme is based on the work of American political philosopher Murray Bookchin, whose self-described Confederated Municipalism offers a localized counterpoint to the hegemony of global corporations. Standing in opposition both to Capitalism and Socialism, Social Ecology offers a human-sized economic model based on plenty and with resource allocation based on the needs of communities.

Accompanying third DUOS iteration, which debuted in Kenya in March, is the Lampart Short Film Festival. Curated by Izabela Plucińska, entries from the festival will be shown in Szczecin as part of the secondments and related events.

Save the day and stay in touch – we will inform about accompanying events soon!

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