On the 23rd of March 2021 was held the official Reception within DUOS Festival in the TPAAE Project.
The Reception was attended by the Project’s partners and participants from Academy of Art in Szczecin, University in Macerata, Pwani University, Kenyatta University, National Museum in Szczecin, and Distant Relatives. There were also special guests from the Kilifi County Governor’s Offices as well as journalists from local and national Kenyan media.
The Main Coordinator of the Consortium, Prof. Aleksandra Lukaszewicz Alcaraz welcomed everybody, introduced the idea of the TPAAE Project; and its Partners – represented by Regional Coordinators: Prof. Flavia Stara, Prof. Stephen Muoki, Prof. John Mugubi, Marlena Chybowska-Butler; and Special Guests (Eric Randu with the team, Karen Njica, Alina Oswald, Leslie Rampinelli and others); and Directors of DUOS Festival: Prof. Zorka Wollny and Dr. Lukasz Jastrubczak.
The DUOS Festival Directors introduced all the artists’ duos:
Film: Zippy Kimundu + Małgorzata Mazur
Painting and Sculpture: Anna Orlikowska + Castro
Street Art: Piotr Pauk + Mohammed Mbwana Omar
Fashion Design: Emilia Lapko kacu Kihara
Installation: Zbigniew Rogalski Richard Onyango
Contextual Art: Łukasz Jastrubczak + Mramba Mweni & Saidi Chengo
Performance: Simba Wanga + Anna Nowicka
Photography: Witold Orski + Biko Wesa
The meeting provided opportunity to network between various groups and local, regional, national, and international Partners, as well as to discuss ideas for the next research activities in art and art education in the TPAAE Project.