Kenyatta University
Tommy Kiilu

Dr. Tommy Kiilu, received a B.A. in 2006, and M.A in 2007 from Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Rome, Italy, and MBA in Management and CSR in 2008 from Libera Universita Maria Santissima Assunta (LUMSA University) in Rome, Italy. He received his PhD degree in communication and media studies in 2012, from the Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquina in Rome, Italy.
He is the currently Ag. Chairperson & Lecturer at the Department of Communication, Film, Media & Theatre Studies at Kenyatta University. From 2016 to 2019 he served as lecturer & departmental exam coordinator. From 2017-2019 he served as Lecturer & E-learning Coordinator (Ruiru campus.)
During 2013-2014 he served as a Senior Lecturer & Academic Advisor in the Department of Communication Studies at Presbyterian University of East Africa (P.U.E.A). From 2014-2015 he served as chairperson of the same department.
During 2007 he was employed as marketing collaborator at Cobra Group, FTDM Marketing SRL (LTD), Rome, and in December 2007 he was promoted to the position of marketing leader, a position he served for two years.
He is a communication specialist and an experienced academician with proven skills working with students and staffs from diverse academic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds. Realizing the central role of communication and, because of his personal and particular interest in them, Dr. Tommy built skills in journalism, social communication, development communication, media, corporate social responsibility, public relations and strategic communication outreach, etc. He has more than seven years’ university teaching experience in Kenya.